Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Points of Interest


Well, I wasn't talking about cutting the stuff I thought was important.

"Nobody needs to fear that the centrists aren't going to be well represented in the Democratic Party. They run the place."

"I have tired of those who are obsessed with seeing conspiracies around every corner and who have terribly misguided notions of what the role of the state party is while saying 'uniting conservatives' is all that is needed to win competitive races across the state..."

The White House kicks off its 'Advise the Advisor' online feature.

"The data also cast new doubt on the ability of charter schools to outperform their traditional school peers."

“The government should focus on services that prevent disease. Fertility and babies are not diseases. Fertility occurs in healthy women.”

"The percentage of unemployed who will drop out of the labor force is increasing, gaining over those who will find a job. This is unique in the post-World War II economy — and only getting worse."


The Onion:

A (NSFW - language) parody of a Michigan ad campaign:

(original ad campaign here)


  1. Please don't you give up on the Swamp too.

    I keep hoping that no one will reply to Rusty and that will calm him down. Of course pauljb and his rapier wit may finally do me in.

  2. Ha!

    I dunno. Swampland is becoming a cesspool; they can moderate that blog and still have reasonable, rational debate with views from across the political spectrum.

    But they are just letting the place go to pot.
